after feeling like i have a hangover for four days straight (didn’t drink), my brain chose to be in what i shall now call mode…
and another month went by just like that. meanwhile, i completed my second and third “6”. should start filming more often but i still am…
back home
while the world is going ablaze my life drips by without major events, making it hard to find stuff to write here. but i topped…
instagram highlights
some migrated instagram highlights from germany.
escape into the wild
short trip to Bad Harzburg. morning train, hiking, evening train back. its paradise over there.
those early morning walks…
holiday at home
Summer seems to be almost over. That means my least favorite season in Northern Germany is closing in. Just need to keep setting reminders that…
Berlin UNECON Meeting
Although St.-Petersburg will always remain at the top of my heart, Berlin is definitely better for partying. And meeting half of UNECON. Feels good to…